Removing DPF/FAP

The service consists of software and a comprehensive manual filter turned off by the driver. We offer complete removal of the particulate filter.

When something is wrong with DPF / FAP:

power shortage
extensive fuel consumption
lighting control

We process software for the dozens of workshops across Europe. Trust us. We will do this once and for all.

The procedure is as follows:

The operation takes about 5 hours – at the time we dismantle the DPF, we’re cutting it, and remove the interior and then we weld it so you won’t  see a trace of interference.
We install the filter and reprogram the computer deactivating the process of firing the DPF and display errors.
After 5 hours car is ready. You can leave your car in the morning and pick up later.
After the operation the vehicle regains its former power, and all the glowing lights go out so far.


Approximate price of DPF/FAP removal

Complex electronic and mechanic1000-1200€Depending on mechanics complexity

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